Meet Alab!!!

Today is ALAB's birthday! and as promised in the previous blog that I wrote announcing his existence which you can read by clicking THIS, here you will find the entry about his full story!

You have read about my cats and now it's time to post about my new (youngest) child, his name is ALAB (Blaze in English.) Formerly known as Caesar, I decided to give him a Filipino name, after all he is an Aspin (Asong Pinoy / native dog of the Philippines)

Contrary to his name that suggests power and strength, Alab remains sweet and gentle, a perfect companion dog for my senior folks. But wait till he sees her sister Sheba ay nako! that's when he bursts into flames with excitement! He'd play with her sister all day long! So cute to see them both!

Me and my friends/mentors, started training Alab when he was just around 2 weeks old, it took me forever before I finally decided to adopt him. He was the only one left in the shelter, all his brothers and sisters were already adopted, then a fellow volunteer of mine said someone was already interested on taking him, I said "that's it! I'm taking him home!"

Here's my attempt to tell the story through photos. Here it goes...

*Here is the first picture I took of him at home, it's his first 24 hours in the Feliciano household. More importantly, it's his first 24 hours of having a permanent home.
*One of my cats (Val) was trying to intimidate him; trying to show who the boss is!

*Maybe a week after that, I brought him back to the shelter wearing his new collar! From the pictures you can already tell that he was a shy dog. look how small he is! Such a tiny little thing :)

*Here's another one... cute!!!
*Months later I decided to have him neutered since he's starting to mark and I hate it! I bring him in the office and it was embarrassing how he was painting the corners yellow with his spray! Special thanks to Dr. Wilford Almoro and kuya Khevin for doing the procedure!
*Here's a closer look!
*And Here's Alab one day before he turns 9 months!

*Here's him standing gracefully a week and 2 days ago!

*Here's another one at the door waiting for me to go in!
Today March 28 is his birthday and he is one year old! I know I've said this a thousand times before but I'll say it again... I have yet to write about what I do for a living and Alab is a big part of it! He actually is my co-worker or office mate but from a different department! So watch out for that!

Also, wait for his birthday party pictures soon!

For more about sports, running, and Alab! Please visit my blog I'm running for my life, that's or simply click THIS!


Bess Chan said...

Okay first of all, you're a fantastic photographer and I may need to hire you to capture my girls. I love how Alab was meant to be yours from the start. The strong bond you share can be seen and felt by everyone. I hope some day I forge as strong a bond with Hershey. Happy Birthday Alab and we'll see you at the party later!- Bess Hershey and Kahlua Chan

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